Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Pubic Symphysis in Forensic Osteology Essay

The Pubic Symphysis in Forensic Osteology - Essay Example The pubic symphysis worn at their surfaces as age advances. It is possible to estimate the age of a dead person by examining the wear and tear at the surfaces of pubic symphysis. "When the changes are made according to the symphyseal formula technique, it is found that age estimates based on this single event are more dependable than similar age estimates from other bones. This technique has made age estimation from unknown skeletal remains more realistic, more accurate and more dependable." (Parikh, C. k., 1990) "The Pubic symphysis, a symphysis is a false joint, is the junction of the two pubic bones lying roughly 4-5 inches below the navel. This junction is bridged by cartilage that acts as a cushion between the two bones." (Houck, M. M. & Siegel, J. A., 2006) The pubic symphysis is the central cartilaginous joint which unites the superior rami of the left and right pubic bones. The location of pubic symphysis is anterior to the urinary bladder and superior to the external genitalia: which above the vulva for females and above the penis for males. The suspensory ligament of the penis of males is attached to the pubic symphysis, whereas clitoris in females is in close connection. Pubic symphysis is derived from the Greek word "symphysis" which means growing together. It belongs to the category of non-synovial amphiarthrodial joint. Pubic symphysis has its anterior width 3-5 mm greater than its intrapelvic posterior width. Pubic symphysis is connected by fibro cartilage and its centre is avascular. The ends of both pubic bones are covered by a thin layer of hyaline cartilage. The fibro cartilaginous disk is reinforced mainly by many ligaments of which superior and inferior ligaments are important. The strong and thicker superior ligament is reinforced by the tendons of rectus abdominis, obliques externus, gracilis and thigh adductors muscle. The inferior ligament of pubic arch is known as the arcuate pubic ligament. Pubic symphysis is 9-10 mm width during birth, with thick cartilaginous end plates. During adulthood the end plates decreases in width to thinner layer. Pubic disc is thicker in females which permits more movement of the pelvic bones, and thus provides a greater diameter of pelvic cavity during delivery. "The pubic symphysis is less deep, and the pubic arch is wider and more rounded than in the male, where it is an angle rather than an arch." (Gray, H. 1918) (BBC News, 2001) During pregnancy, hormones like relaxin remodels the hyaline cartilage thereby allowing the pelvic bones to be more flexible for delivery. The normal non-pregnant gap of the symphysis pubis is 4-5 mm. but in pregnancy, the width increases at least by 2-3 mm, and thus, there is a total width of up to 9mm for pregnant women. During delivery, the pubic symphysis separates to some degree and this separation can leads to diastases of the syphysis pubis. The diastases could be the result of a rapid birth or a forceps delivery or may be prenatal. A diastases of the pubic symphysis is a symptom of pelvic girdle pain. Historically, symphysiotomy used to be done when labour failed to progress due to large size of the head of the fetes and consequently the fetes' skull was crushed. Fractures of pelvis are important in forensic pathology in two aspects - First, a great amount of force is required to disrupt the pelvic ring. Second,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Changes in Firm's Capital Structure add Shareholder Value Research Paper

Changes in Firm's Capital Structure add Shareholder Value - Research Paper Example The higher the level of debt the higher the level of risk. But nevertheless the higher the level of risk the higher the possible returns on a given level of investment. Shareholder value comes from the demand for and supply of company shares. If the management of the company were to decide in favor of more equity issues, then depending on the demand for the company shares the company value would rise or fall. With that, the shareholder value also would rise or fall. A risk is inevitably associated with the value of the firm viz. managers or agents always prefer a higher level of debt because it increases the value of the firm or its assets. Indeed the risk also increases though from the viewpoint of the manager it’s irrelevant because equity issues would glut the market with company shares and bring down the value of the company. As a result, the existing shareholders cannot be happier. They would get a windfall if they sold their shares now. Similarly when more debt is issued the company becomes entitled to more tax benefits. That, in turn, increases the value of the firm and thereby the shareholder value. The capital market structure of the firm can be examined with reference to a number of theories. The Modigliani-Miller Theorem is the earliest of such theories to consider the relevance of capital structure to determine the value of a firm. In recent times these theoretical constructs have been developed in line with an ever increasing tendency to consider the leverage issue of the company. Leveraging by managers to achieve exclusive personal goals is nothing new. In fact, it’s the conflict of interests between the principals or owners (or shareholders) and the agents (or managers) that have thrust the issue of leverage to the fore. In other words, the complex issues revolving around the capital structure of the firm are basically influenced by this conflict in which managers tend to have more information about the probable outcomes of future investments.