Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) Essay - 653 Words

Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) Hypothesis Probably the most logical explanation is that there has been a conflict that is decades old, that comes from, religious differences to territorial and power ambitions. This war is a war that is not going to stop until both countries solve their internal affairs, because the historical background that this two countries have is not an easy one. I think that the only way to fully achieve peace between these two countries is, for them to come to an agreement regarding the territories, and another one to respect each other’s religions. Cause-Effect Both countries wanted to have a certain peace of land that had an important role on the trading and pass for both countries, and also the fact that they†¦show more content†¦Khomeini was said by some to have a quot;martyr complex,quot; though, as U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance wryly observed, people with martyr complexes rarely live to be as old as Khomeini. Whatever his complexes, Khomeini had no qualms about sending his followers, including young boys, off to their deaths for his greater glory. This callous disregard for human life was no less characteristic of Saddam Hussein. And, for that matter, it was also no less characteristic of much of the world community, which not only couldnt be bothered by a few hundred thousand Third World corpses, but also tried to profit from the conflict. Questions and answers 1)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Do you think that this war has a productive outcome? Why? - Yes, because it settled a problem that existed a long time ago. 2)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Do you think that after this war there could be any resentment from any of the parties? Why? -nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I don’t know, there might be because one of the countries lost, and obviously no body likes to be defeated 3)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What do you think about this conflict? -nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I do not support wars, and it is even worst if you are fighting over some territory, why can’t you settleShow MoreRelatedThe Causes and Effects of the the Iran-Iraq War Essay888 Words   |  4 PagesIran-Iraq War, An Iraqi soldier carrying an AK-47 assault rifle during the Iran-Iraq War. [Credit:  © Jacques Pavlovsky/Corbis](1980–88), prolonged military conflict between Iran and Iraq during the 1980s. Open warfare began on Sept. 22, 1980, when Iraqi armed forces invaded western Iran along the countries’ joint border, though Iraq claimed that the war had begun earlier that month, on September 4, when Iran shelled a number of border posts. 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